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The ‘Preliminary Invocation’ of the GOETIA, used by Crowley to summon aerial spirits prior to reception of the Book of the Law, is heavily annotated both in the hand of Crowley and of J.F.C.Fuller.

These annotations and ciphers reveal potent A.A. and O.T.O. magical formulae later given formal expression in Crowleys advanced magical instruction paper ‘Liber Samekh’ published in 1929 ‘Magick in Theory and Practise’, and in the ‘Liber Pyramidos’, both aimed at uniting the initiates consciousness with his Holy Guardian Angel through magical and tantric means. Much light is shed upon Crowleys later teachings, a detailed study of these notes and their placement to the text shows the ideas breaking upon Crowleys mind.

This edition limited to 250 copies in quarter black kidskin with purple silk,

black Ortiz endpapers, title label to front

GOETIA of SOLOMON THE KING – Aleister Crowley J.F.C.Fuller & Leah Hirsig 1904

90,00 €Price
    Occult book store
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